Generations of donors have funded Baylor College of Medicine efforts in health science education, medical discovery and compassionate patient care. Through your vision and confidence in our people and programs, we leverage your philanthropy and the brightest minds in healthcare to create a new era of medicine that unites science, education and clinical care.
See the EMPOWER Donor Impact ReportThe Department of Molecular and Human Genetics ranks first among U.S. genetics departments in both total awarded National Institutes of Health funding and number of grants.
In 2021, Baylor College of Medicine welcomed its most diverse class ever, with almost a third of the class (31%) coming from underrepresented backgrounds.
Nearly 40% of inpatient encounters in the Texas Medical Center, the largest concentration of hospitals and healthcare services in the world, are with Baylor health providers.
With a presence in 59 countries, Baylor Global Health performs international community health outreach to reduce health disparities, expand healthcare access and innovate healthcare solutions around the world.