Presidential Scholarships
Cyndi J. Baily, J.D., M.P.H., Endowed Scholarship
Bob Bullock Presidential Excellence Award
DeBakey Medical Foundation Biomedical Research and Academic Medical Scholarship
Herbert J. Frensley Presidential Excellence Award Scholarship
Rosa May Griffin Presidential Excellence Award
Hobby Foundation Presidential Excellence Award
Clara C. and Sandra Love Medical Education Scholarship
Marian and Speros Martel Endowed Scholarship
Carlos and Doris Morris Presidential Excellence Award
Barbara Owsley Foundation Presidential Excellence Award
Drs. Magda Rona and Michael M. Dacso Presidential Excellence Award
William Ralph Sugg, M.D. Presidential Excellence Award
All Scholarships
June Carol and Richard Anderson Scholarship
Andrews Kurth, LLP, Endowed Scholarship
Robert J. Awe, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Kenneth D. Ball Scholarship
Baylor College of Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine Endowed Scholarship
Baylor University/Baylor College of Medicine Endowed Scholarship
Lela Bentley Scholarship
Josephine and Richard Bohannon, M.D. Scholarship
Susan and Major Bradshaw Endowed Scholarship
The Kenneth L. Burdon Award for Excellence in Microbiology
Elizabeth and James M. Burgert, DNAP, CRNA Endowed Scholarship
William T. Butler, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Albert Q. and Elizabeth V. Butler Scholarship
Katherine B. Campbell Scholarship
Robert C. Carman Scholarship
Matthew Carter Memorial Scholarship
Mary V. and Ronald E. Carver, M.D., ’67 Endowed Scholarship
Kanellos D. Charalampous, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Alfred M. Cinnamon Endowed Scholarship
Virginia A. Clark Medical Student Scholarship
Coker-Cox Memorial Scholarship
Anna Beth Connell, M.D. ’49 Endowed Scholarship
David D. Coyer, M.D. Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Judith L. Craven Scholarship
Criterion M.D. Student Scholarship
Robert Wilson Crosthwait Jr., Endowed Scholarship
The Michael E. DeBakey Scholar Award
C.W. Delancey Scholarship
Peyton Linwood Denman M.D. Scholarship
Dr. Francisco José Echegaray Espada Endowed Scholarship
Jeffrey Elkins Memorial Scholarship
Hasina Khatun Rahman Endowed Scholarship
Jenny and Wendell D. Erwin, M.D., ’66 Endowed Scholarship
Wilton M. Fisher Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Flaxman Scholarship
D. Fort and C. B. Flowers Endowed Scholarship
J. E. Foster Scholarship
General Scholarships
Dr. Julius Giessel Memorial Scholarship
Susan K. and Michael W. Gillespie, M.D., ’67 Endowed Scholarship
James W. Gilliam, II, P.A., Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship
Dr. William and Patricia Gordon Student Scholarship
Melanie Gray and Mark Wawro Endowed Scholarship
Lazar J. Greenfield, M.D., ’58 Endowed Scholarship
O.P. Griffin Memorial Scholarship
Grimble Scholarship
Dr. Curtis R. and Mary Jean Haley Endowed Scholarship
Drs. R. H. Harrison Endowed Scholarship
Charles L. Heaton, M.D., ’61 Endowed Scholarship
Dr. John W. and Roblyn M. Herndon Scholarship
William R. Higgs, M.D., Scholarship
Bertha Hirsch Scholarship
Dr. Richard M. Hirshberg Memorial Scholarship
Ruth M. Laird Hix Endowment Scholarship
Samuel C. Hon, M.D., and Roxanne A. Hon, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Thomas B. Hoover, M.D., Scholarship
Leon Jaworski Presidential Endowed Scholarship
Jeang Family Endowed Scholarship
Martin L. Johnson, M.D., ’75 & Olinda Young Endowed Scholarship
George Lyman Jordan III Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Edgar King, Jr., Endowed Scholarship
Harold and Deena Koenig Scholarship
Frank L. Kretzer, Ph.D., Endowed Scholarship
Stephen G. Lauten, M.D., ’74 Scholarship
Dr. John F. and Sylvia M. Lawler Endowed Scholarship
Lawler Family Scholarship
John W. Lee Endowed Scholarship
L. Leighton Hill, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Libby Family Scholarship
May R. Litowsky Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Thomas P. Lyon Appreciation Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Martin, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Mattox Educational Endowed Scholarship
George J. and Lorwen L. Merriman Scholarship Fund
Wendy Haskell Meyer Endowed Scholarship
Gladys Lenore Dickson Miller Scholarship Loan Trust
Roger W. Moore, M.D., ’58 Family Endowed Scholarship
Stanley Bert and Elsie Faye Moore Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Russell and Cecilia Neuhaus Scholarship
Willard and Ruth Nichols Endowed Scholarship
Harold E. Nicholson Jr. Scholarship
Jack O’Wesne Scholarship
Tabitha Joy Parker Memorial Scholarship
James L. Phillips, M.D., Diversity Endowed Scholarship
N.J. and R.W. Pickett Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Evelyn Gass Powers Memorial Scholarship
Hugh and Ann Roff Medical Scholarship
Evan Sage and Bryan Sage Endowed Scholarship
Dr. R. Mason and Margie V. Shiflett, Jr., ’45 Endowed Scholarship
William James Silas and Leo Baines Crump Scholarship
Richard H. Skinner Scholarship
Frank E. Smith, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
Ruth and Maurice Spearman Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. George Herschel Spurlock Memorial Scholarship
Paul R. Stalnaker Scholarship
Earl Glenn Standlee Scholarship
Charles T. and Betty Pearce Stephenson Scholarship
Strake Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Fries-Vascoe Medical Student Scholarship
Sugden Family Endowed Scholarship
Minoru Suzuki Award for Excellence in Neuroscience
Larry Taber, M.D., Student Scholarship
Victor C. Tillmans, M.D., Endowed Scholarship
E. E. Townes Memorial Scholarship
Rutledge Valdes Endowed Scholarship
Joe Weingarten Scholarship
Jack and Loris Jane Welhausen Endowed Scholarship
David L. White Scholarship
The Ben H. and Grace Williams Endowed Student Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wolfe, M.D., ’38 Scholarship
Wong Family Scholarship
Senator Judith Zaffirini Endowed Scholarship
Lynette and John H. Zeiter, M.D., ’88 Endowed Scholarship
Robert K. Zurawin, M.D., ’77 Family Endowment