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Paul Klotman, M.D.

president dr paul klotman

Paul Klotman, M.D., was named president & CEO and executive dean of Baylor College of Medicine in 2010. He is a nationally recognized academic leader having held position at Duke University, the National Institutes of Health and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. In 2001 he was elected to the Association of American Physicians.  

At Baylor, he oversees the only private health sciences university in the Greater Southwest United States. The enterprise revenue is over $2.3 billion dollars with net assets of approximately $2.5 billion and total research funding of more than $650 million. Baylor is ranked among the top 20 institutions for education and research programs by most rating agencies. He serves on the Board of Directors of St. Luke’s Health System and the Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, the College’s jointly owned and governed private adult hospital.